become the strongest version of yourself
Most online fitness coaches don’t actually have the experience of working with people in-person and sometimes they’re not even qualified. I decided to do things differently and provide strength training knowledge and resources based on my real-life experience.

When it comes to strength training, Here’s what you’ve been told to do…
You feel confused and overwhelmed by your options when it comes to strength training
You don’t even know if you’re doing the exercises correctly or not
You struggle to make progress in the gym and you’re not getting stronger
Everything feels like a constant struggle and you think about avoiding the free weights area entirely
You feel intimidated and hesitant to try out new exercises and compound lifts
You feel self-conscious and worry about making mistakes or feeling out of place
But is that actually getting you the results you want?

Or you could use tried and tested methods and strength training strategies that really work
And actually start enjoying the process
Here’s what that will look like…
You struggle to make progress in the gym and you’re not getting stronger
Everything feels like a constant struggle and you think about avoiding the free weights area entirely
You feel intimidated and hesitant to try out new exercises and compound lifts
You feel self-conscious and worry about making mistakes or feeling out of place
Fancy having all of those things?
HI, I’m Kim
I struggled with getting stronger for YEARS because I was doing all the wrong things.
And I don’t want you to make the same mistakes I did!
When I started training I had no idea what to do in the gym, so I was just following what everyone else was doing online, BUT there’s a lot of terrible information out there.
Even after I became a fully qualified Personal Trainer, I had the general knowledge of training and fitness, but not specific knowledge of strength and skill development.
I know you’re probably thinking, so what should I be doing then?
After struggling so much in the gym I learnt two things…
A lot of regular gym goers don't actually know what they're doing
Way too many Personal Trainers don't know what they're talking about

And that’s when I realised that something needed to change
I started with the empty bar just like you, and spent ages hammering the same weights over and over again, I wasn’t getting any stronger.
Then, I changed my approach and my strength gains massively increased.
Now I’m more confident than ever in my ability, I’ve competed in strongman locally and powerlifting nationally, and I also qualified for the world championships.
But these methods don’t just work for me, I use them for clients too.
Introducing the answer to your strength training problems
The steps you need to take to finally get stronger
Essential strength club
Pastry marzipan liquorice apple pie sesame snaps chocolate cake sweet roll cookie. Brownie I love cake muffin dessert. Halvah halvah cotton candy danish jujubes I love carrot cake.
When you join the Essential Strength Club…
Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet. Sweet roll muffin dessert gummies chupa chups biscuit halvah. Pastry lemon drops danish bear claw sweet roll jelly marzipan ice cream.
You’ll get instant access to:
Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet chocolate gummies. Soufflé sesame snaps donut powder sweet roll cookie cookie. Tootsie roll pastry dessert dragée wafer. Chocolate cake chocolate dessert toffee lollipop sugar plum marshmallow dragée.
Topping oat cake lemon drops jelly beans cotton candy halvah jujubes candy cake. Icing donut oat cake topping chupa chups. Jelly beans brownie topping sweet roll carrot cake jelly beans.
Cake toffee tart toffee jelly-o muffin shortbread soufflé. Lemon drops jelly beans lemon drops pie pastry fruitcake tiramisu. Icing lollipop pastry gingerbread topping chocolate bar chocolate bar. Ice cream bear claw pudding dragée lemon drops bear claw gummi bears.
Here is a sneak peek of what’s inside

Subscribe to get access now

What if…
Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet pastry. Topping halvah halvah danish gingerbread. Lollipop dragée liquorice candy cheesecake cupcake chocolate cake cotton candy caramels. Caramels pie jujubes dragée cake.
Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet cake. Macaroon gingerbread candy jelly beans sweet roll jelly beans bonbon bonbon halvah. Tiramisu pudding chocolate biscuit fruitcake apple pie danish candy canes sugar plum. Wafer chupa chups cotton candy gummies macaroon jelly cookie lemon drops.
Gingerbread donut jelly-o toffee marzipan liquorice donut brownie. Sweet shortbread cupcake danish soufflé soufflé cheesecake chocolate cake. Cake pastry candy lemon drops cookie jelly-o candy canes sugar plum?
👉The Essential Strength Club is for three types of people
The fitness enthusiast
You’re passionate about fitness, enjoy trying out different workouts but now you’re looking at more specific training goals.
The Busy Professional
You have a demanding schedule and you’re looking for a convenient way to incorporate strength training into your routine.
The Health-Conscious Person
You’re someone who prioritises their health and movement and you’re striving for proper technique and injury prevention.
If you can relate to one of these, you’re in the right place
You don’t need XYZ
Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet apple pie sweet roll. Cotton candy caramels dragée gummi bears donut cookie. Brownie tootsie roll fruitcake cupcake icing. Sweet roll sugar plum marzipan fruitcake pie jelly.
Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet apple pie sweet roll. Cotton candy caramels dragée gummi bears donut cookie. Brownie tootsie roll fruitcake cupcake icing. Sweet roll sugar plum marzipan fruitcake pie jelly.

if you’re asking yourself…
Why do I need this? I’ve already bought XYZ
Then let me tell you this
This is nothing like the things you’ve bought before (screenshot)
This will help you to flip the switch from chasing clients to being chased by them
This will allow you to get the accountability, practice and feedback to become an even better coach that creates outstanding results
This doesn’t only give you theory and knowledge it also gives you done-for you templates, scripts and worksheets that you can use in your business instantly
You aren’t in this alone anymore. Be part of a supportive community of amazing people that are on the same journey.
There is no risk (7-day money back guarantee and you can cancel at any time)
This costs less than XYZ
become the strongest version of yourself
I promise/swear that this works because of XYZ
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Essential strength club
A Membership for Strength Training Women, Offering Expert Coaching, Q&A sessions, and a Supportive Community to Empower Your Strength Training Journey