Your group PT options

We’ve decided to offer 3 packages for our 4-week intensive - we understand that some people might not want to pay for 3 sessions a week while others much prefer that extra accountability.

One session a week - £97

Our one session a week option provides you with 4 x 2-hour group personal training sessions (equating to approx. £12 per hour)

two sessions a week - £149

Our two session a week option provides you with 8 x 2-hour group personal training sessions (equating to approx. £9.30 per hour)

three sessions a week - £197

Our three session a week option provides you with 12 x 2-hour group personal training sessions (equating to approx. £8.20 per hour)

Remember you still have access to our gym outside of your coaching session to do workouts independently and after the initial 4 weeks, the price drops down!

If you haven’t done it already, book your £9 taster session to see if we’re a good fit for each other. You can get the £9 taken off your chosen 4-week package if you choose to continue with us.